The Haganah capture of Haifa: From the Palestine Post

Geoff L.
3 min readMar 14, 2021


In 22 April, 1948, after intense fighting, Haifa, the main port of Mandatory Palestine, was captured by Haganah. Large numbers of Arabs fled the battlefield, and the vast majority of Arab residents of the city were evacuated. A minority, mostly Christians, had nevertheless stayed, and their descendants, along with later IDPs from surrounding areas and recent arrivals from the Northern District, still live in various neighbourhoods in Haifa(mainly Wadi Nisnas but also parts of Hadar HaCarmel) today.

The Palestine Post, the main English newspaper of Mandatory Palestine and the Yishuv at the time, whose editor was Gershon Agnon(who would later become the Mayor of Jerusalem), reported the Haganah takeover of Haifa and the subsequent events, include the Arab flight from the city. Here are some selected articles about what happened at the time:

Alongside contemporary reports from the New York Times and Times of London, the excerpts here from The Palestine Post provide some contemporary evidences about what really happened in one of the largest cities in Mandatory Palestine during the 1947–1948 civil war.

The link for the The Palestine Post editions from which the Haifa-related clips were excerpted from:|txTI--------------1



Geoff L.

History repeats itself, first time a tragedy, second time a farce.